Good news is… good news?

Good news is… good news?

One of the strange phenomena of financial markets that most of the population who don’t follow economic data every day may find perplexing is the tendency for the market to, at times, sell off in response to good economic data and rally in response to bad economic...

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Your Input Matters: Shaping Your Financial Future

Your Input Matters: Shaping Your Financial Future

In our ongoing effort to effectively support your needs, we periodically send out surveys. Last July, we sent you a survey with the goal of helping our team members get to know you better. Now, we're reaching out with a new survey to ensure we're consistently...

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Are your kids ready for… the talk?

Are your kids ready for… the talk?

Money. Religion. Politics. Where to go for dinner. As humans, we tend to shy away from uncomfortable conversations. Inheritance planning may feel like one of those off-limits topics of discussion, but it shouldn’t be. According to a Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment...

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Labor, Bon Jovi, and the Markets

Labor, Bon Jovi, and the Markets

First, it was Dolly Parton “Workin’ 9 to 5.” Then, it was Tommy and Gina, who were working on the docks and at the diner all day, respectively. Whether we are talking about musical icons like Dolly Parton and Bon Jovi or the markets, it is all about labor. And this...

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That hefty IRA balance may require some tax planning…

That hefty IRA balance may require some tax planning…

When it comes to your retirement nest egg, we have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first? Good News? The market’s performance last year created record-breaking year-end balances in many individual retirement accounts, or IRAs. As of...

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Markets Refuse to Fade Away

Markets Refuse to Fade Away

As the Rolling Stones once put it, "a storm is threatening… if I don't get some shelter... I’m gonna fade away." That pretty much sums up the pivotal event from last week. But markets, to their credit, refused to fade away. US CPI came in higher-than-expected thanks...

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Cognitive Decline: Protecting Your Loved Ones

Cognitive Decline: Protecting Your Loved Ones

It starts with simple memory loss, which we dismiss as “senior moments.” Then, it evolves into difficulty with familiar tasks, forgetting words, confusion and disorientation. Cognitive decline is ruthlessly pervasive in America today. According to the Alzheimer’s...

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A Shift in Economic Thinking

A Shift in Economic Thinking

There's something happening here, but what it is ain't exactly clear. The late, great Buffalo Springfield could have been describing the markets because action last week was indeed very curious. Overall, the week was dominated by commentary from the Federal Reserve...

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Meet Our Newest Team Member!

Meet Our Newest Team Member!

Meet our newest team member! We are excited to introduce you to Hunter Rich, Associate Wealth Planner. Hunter joined our practice in September 2023 and has been busy learning the ropes ever since. Hunter will join Laura, Christian, and me working collaboratively as...

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5 Storylines of 2023

5 Storylines of 2023

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was common for apartments in New York City to be built with the bedrooms on top of each other. If you were the downstairs neighbor, you had the daily experience of hearing your upstairs neighbor’s shoe hit the floor,...

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What year featured an identical calendar year to 2024? A. 1924 B. 1948 C. 1996 Continue reading to the end to find out the answer! 2024, like any New Year’s Day after a great New Year’s Eve Party, is off to a rather sobering start. The last two weeks of 2023 saw...

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Exciting News!

Exciting News!

Exciting News! I am pleased to share that Christian recently achieved a remarkable milestone: He passed the CFA exam and is now a CFA charterholder! The CFA designation is the highest standard of professional excellence in the investment management profession and one...

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It’s Snowing Still…

It’s Snowing Still…

“It’s snowing still,” said Eeyore gloomily. “And freezing… however,” he said, brightening up a little, “we haven’t had an earthquake lately.” A.A. Milne humorously captures what I believe to be the current prevailing view of the economy as well as financial markets....

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4 Things You Need to Know During Medicare Open Enrollment

4 Things You Need to Know During Medicare Open Enrollment

It is that time of year. The kids and grandkids are back in school, the pumpkin is spiced, and your festive neighbors across the street are taking out their Halloween decorations. All of this can mean only one thing: It is Medicare Open Enrollment season, so mark your...

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Prepare for Tomorrow: The Essentials of Long-Term Care

Prepare for Tomorrow: The Essentials of Long-Term Care

Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to long-term care. As Americans live longer, it is becoming more and more likely that you or someone you love is going to need it. But are you prepared? According to, nearly 70% of Americans over the age of 65 will...

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Is your coverage aligned with your needs?

Is your coverage aligned with your needs?

Life insurance. At times, it can feel like one of those collectibles stashed in your attic. You believe you have it. You purchased it (but you might not remember when, why, or from who.) But its exact whereabouts – and its precise value – are a bit of a mystery. Well...

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Patience, Paradise, and Market Moves

Patience, Paradise, and Market Moves

Axl Rose told us that all we need is just a little patience, but when it comes to investing and the markets, most of us would just prefer a little Paradise City (because the grass is always green there.) Markets weren’t waiting so patiently for a few things last week....

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Q & A with Christian: US Debt Downgraded by Fitch

Q & A with Christian: US Debt Downgraded by Fitch

Who is Fitch? Fitch Ratings is one of the “Big Three” international credit rating agencies, the other two being Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. These agencies assign ratings to the debt of countries, companies, municipalities, etc. that indicate overall...

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Austin L. Nold, CFP®
CEO/Senior Wealth Planner
[email protected]

Christian Bryant
President/Chief Investment Officer
[email protected]

Laura Holthaus, MSFP, CFP®, RICP®
Wealth Planner
[email protected]

Hunter Rich
Associate Wealth Planner
[email protected]

Kelly Petersen
Client Services Manager
[email protected]

Hillary Worley
Client Experience Lead
[email protected]

Tel (816) 648-6700

We are excited to share that our registered investment advisor (RIA), Integrated Partners, has been listed in Barron's list of Top 100 RIA Firms for 2024.

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